Thursday, June 26, 2008

Paralells in Selfless Living - 6/26,2008

1 Corinthians 10:31-33, "...if you eat, or drink, or if you do anything, do it all for the glory of God. Never do anything that might hurt others - Jews, Greeks, or God's church. I am not trying to do what is good for me but what is good for most people so they can be saved."

The other day I read this section in 1 Corinthians that talks first about living for Christ and submitting to His authority - living in a way that honors Him and does not hurt others. Later, it continues with the relationship between husbands and wives; about authority under God and how they're dependent on one another and how they both come from God.

Today I wanted to read in Ephesians, and the same pattern emerged. It paralleled exactly the themes I read on Tuesday. The first scripture that caught my eye was Ephesians 5:15, "So be very careful how you live. Do not live like those who are not wise, but live wisely. Use every chance you have for doing good, because these are evil times." I thought this was an interesting connection to the command I read in 1 Corinthians: do everything for the Glory of God and do nothing to hurt others. Then I read on into verses 21-27, "Yield to each other because you respect Christ. Wives, yield to your husbands, as you do the Lord ... Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it.."

So basically in two days I read two sections of scripture that spoke on the same two topics: living responsibly and marital relationships. Coincidence? I think not. I believe God was talking to me in this way, reminding me that I am under His authority and to live in a way that honors Him. This applies to all relationships, and calls for me to put the needs of others before my own. It is a command for selfless living. This is how all Christians are supposed to live, and many I know do live in this way.

It frustrates me, though, that the irresponsible minority who claim one thing but live another have come to represent Christians as a whole in our society. It makes it very difficult to convince non-Christians that we really do try to live according to the teachings of Jesus Christ, the son of God who allowed Himself to be killed to atone for our sins, enabling Him to bless us with everlasting life without breaking the law of His Father that called for the punishment of sin. He took on that punishment for us as the only one worthy to do so. He was given all authority in Heaven and Earth for being obedient in that task. By His authority and because of His great love, He has forgiven us of everything we've ever done or thought that offended God - cleansing us in His sight and making us worthy of spending eternity in His presence, though we do not deserve it. We need only accept His gift of love and atonement, though we haven't earned it or deserve it. That's His Amazing Grace.

It is because of that selfless sacrifice that I am called to live in a way that would honor the One who gave of Himself so freely for the salvation of the world. If I represent Him - and as a Christian I do - then it is my duty to live in a way that does not hurt others. It is my duty to do what is good for others, and not myself. It is my duty to live wisely, always thinking of the future and of how my actions affect those around me. It is my duty to yield to my wife and love her as much as Christ loved the church - which means being willing to give my very life for her. And, it is my duty to share with others the love and grace of our God, who loved the world so much that He freely gave his only Son so that we may believe in Him and have everlasting life.

It seems like a great challenge, but Jesus Christ promised that it is easier than the burdens of the world. He told us that his yoke is easy, and the burden light. He said that the road is narrow that leads to Him - we must live purposefully and specifically to honor Him, and we will be rewarded greatly for it. I already see the blessings of my Father in my life, from a changed heart to a life of abundance. I can't imagine what the eternal blessings will be like, then. So what's stopping you? Because the scripture tells us He died for us while we were still sinners. He didn't wait for us to clean up our act before loving us enough to die for us, so we shouldn't try to do so before accepting that gift. Don't let guilt or shame or feelings of unworthiness stop you from accepting the gift he offers to you just as you are...

Thank you, Jesus, for your love and grace...

1 comment:

rhodan04 said...

Cool blogsite nathan

nice to see how you still put christian inspirational thoughts up again and again

trust you and melissa are well and that you have received my latest email and check out our updated blogsite
And thanks so much for giving me the idea of doing a blogsite also when we were in Belize !!

I miss you my friend. I always do. Remembering the quality one to one times walking out into the jungles of la milpa together, or sitting in the garden of belize together to go through "steps to freedom in christ" I often think of you and pray that God will use you as a mouthpiece of his grace more and more.

Love from Daniel and Rhoda