Colossians 2:8, "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ."
Who decides what is right and wrong?
What is the meaning of life?
How do we arrive at Truth?
These are some of the many questions we discussed last night while studying the Truth Project – where we compare the secular worldview with a Biblical worldview.
We saw an excerpt from a debate by Will Provine, a proponent of Naturalism and Evolution. It was fascinating to hear his point of view, as he explained the implication of these viewpoints that are commonly taught and held by the world. He agrees with them.
In short, he said that if we are all products of the natural environment, there is no ethical basis for what is right and what is wrong since there is not a single force governing the universe. Additionally, he said that since we came from nothing and upon death will return to nothing, there is no meaning to life. Consequently, since this is the only life we have, he argued that we must construct meaning and decide for ourselves what is right and wrong before we die and return to nothingness.
I don’t think he realizes the extent to which his implications define ethics, according to evolutionary theory and Naturalism. If there is no basis for ethical behavior – since we, like the animals, rose up from the primordial ooze, then we can do whatever we want. It’s natural. We’re just following our natural desires; we don’t have to adjust our behavior or beliefs or be told that what we’re doing is wrong. If it feels good, do it - because if it's natural it can't be wrong. We can act like baboons, since humans are just one more type of animal; one more variation in the evolutionary development of species.
So, if we are not living by God’s law but by man’s philosophies and traditions, why was Hitler such a bad person? He did not break the laws of
But, few people will argue that what Hitler did was acceptable. If they believe in evolution, why?
So, who does decide what is right and wrong? You are a hypocrite to say , “What’s right for you may not be right for me,” but turn around and say that Hitler was a monster. If you truly believe that ethics and truth are relative – that what’s true for you doesn’t have to be true for me, and what’s right for me doesn’t have to be what’s right for you, then you also have to support Hitler’s actions. Because although it might not be right for you and his claims may not be true for you, they were for him. And our society says that this relativistic viewpoint is how to be politically correct. In fact basing your life on relativism is how you can define what is true for yourself - just like Will Provine said we should do.
If that type of philosophy can support the actions of the Nazi party, then I would put it into the category of “hollow and deceptive philosophies” like the scripture above states.
There has to be a single Truth and ethical standard by which all humans are held accountable. If that's the case, then it’s okay to tell another human that they’re wrong. But we must be respectful in doing so, as the scripture states. 2 Timothy 2:24-26, “And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.”
I feel like Evolutionists and Naturalism have taken a piece of God’s Truth, some concrete facts found in His creation, and built a lie off the small bit that they’ve seen. I had an image last night of a jigsaw puzzle. God’s creation is incredibly vast – like a 1,000,000,00050 piece jigsaw puzzle. If you’ve ever put a puzzle together, what’s the first thing you do? Do you start by looking at the bits and trying to figure out what the big picture is? Of course not! You look at the box and then look for evidence of those shapes and colors in the pieces. The same is true with creation. Evolutionists are well meaning, but backward. They’ve looked at the colors and shapes of individual jigsaw puzzle pieces and then created big picture based on that.
As Christians then, we are to gently instruct others in the Truth - and Jesus Christ as the source of all Truth as well as what is right and wrong. Most importantly, we are to be a light unto the world – to live by example to show others that what we believe is really what we know to be true.
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