Friday, February 03, 2006

Encourage Courage - 2/3/06

1 Thessalonians 5:11, "So encourage each other and give each other strength, just as you are doing now."
Everybody needs encouragement in all things.  Maybe not constantly, but if you never receive it then normal challenges may seem unconquerable, and doubt will eventually replace confidence.
I think Christians need extra encouragement from each other.  We live in a culture where it is cool or accepted to be anything, except a Christian.  "Buddhist?  Good for you!  Atheist?  That's your right!  Baha'i?  How unique!  Christian?  CHRISTIAN?  Why?  What has that ever done for you?  Don't you know..."?
I've heard it.  I've been on the receiving end of such an attack on Christianity.  That's why it's so important to encourage one another.  According to Charles Swindoll, "encourage" is the "...act of inspiring others with renewed courage, spirit, hope.  When we encourage others we spur them on, we stimulate and affirm them...most of us need massive doses of it."  He's right, and Paul exemplified the process by traveling to distant churches to encourage them, like in Acts 14:22, "making the followers of Jesus stronger and helping them stay in the faith."
I think that's the key, helping each other stay in the faith.  We encourage others to help make them stronger, then they are able to stand on their own in the face of adversity.  Instead of those trials challenging their faith, the renewed courage and strength will instead reinforce it.  This should be our immediate goal with each other.

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