Galatians 2:11-12, "When Peter came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he was clearly in the wrong. Before certain men came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles. But when they arrived, he began to draw back and separate himself from the Gentiles because he was afraid of [those men]."
I don't know that I've been struggling with this, or maybe I will in the near future, but it's a good reminder for me. When I read this scripture, the first thing I thought of was the term "Christian Chameleons." This does not refer to colorful lizards singing praise with long sticky tongues and testifying with their arms in the air in the jungle. I've heard this somewhere before in reference to Christians who change who they are or what they say they believe depending on their environment. Peter did this when influential believers with opposing beliefs came to visit him. He stopped doing what he knew was right out of fear that he would offend these men.
Of course, that is the exact opposite of how we're supposed to live. Think of it from the point of view of somebody who has never really seen a Christian live out his or her faith. Every time that person is around a believer, they don't see an example of Christ's love or a person living by His teachings. Instead, that person has seen watered down versions of the truth in order not to offend.
I don't care much for an in-your-face approach to sharing faith. Sometimes that is necessary, but if that is how you approach even casual conversations, your well-intentioned faith will be written off as overzealous and oppressive. But, we should not allow fear of other points of view or the influence of others censor our convictions so as not to offend. We have been commanded to go out into the world and be an influence. Refusing to share what we know to be true out of fear does nothing to fulfill that commandment.
I like this scripture because Paul confronts Peter directly. He doesn't gossip about the situation to other believers. In alignment with scripture, he told Peter to his face that he was in the wrong. Peter "...was not acting in line with the truth of the gospel" and Paul let him know it.
There are have been many times that I was confronted with opposing beliefs that forced me to identify why I believe what I believe. My faith was like the proverb, "Like a reed in the wind, I will bend but not break." Evidence of God working in my life is undeniable and reinforces my faith all the time. That doesn't mean though that I haven't questioned some things from time to time, and I believe that's healthy.
This scripture is a good reminder overall. I must be strong when faced with opposing points of view, and must not change who I am to suit my environment; I must avoid becoming a "Christian Chameleon."
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